
Success Starts Here

Saturday, January 23, 2016

How To Defeat Procrastination part 1


I know that I have covered this in previous posts, but procrastination is one of the biggest problems that keep us from moving forward in business and in life.

Procrastination is a typical problem that a lot of people experience. In fact, this is one of the lead reasons that I never accomplished anything of value for years. Procrastination through fear, through laziness, though boredom; the reasons for procrastination is vast and we all have our excuses for why we procrastinate.

Learning how to defeat procrastination as well as laziness can serve as a big help for you to increase your effectiveness and improve your productivity in both work and life.

Procrastination is a psychological behavior that is associated with those individuals who develop and acquire a bad habit of delaying tasks. More often than not, we’ve been through a point where we have experienced delaying things needing to be done on time. Everyone had been affected by the habit known as procrastination up to some extent.

However, for some, this undesirable problem has become a part of their daily life, which turns out to be their source of continuous anxiety and stress and this has greatly affected their performance and progress in work and life.

As a result, they miss a lot of opportunities, wasted a lot of work hours, experienced resentment, stress and guilt for not finishing what they are supposed to do. Sad, but true this can happen to anyone once they allow procrastination to take over their life, instead of the other way around.

The truth is most procrastinators know what they need to do. However, for certain reasons, they keep repeating this bad habit which prevents them from finishing the job that they need to do. Before, you can know how to defeat procrastination, it is very important that you know the characteristics and common causes of this problem.

Understand them as they are imperative in overcoming procrastination.

Characteristics Of A Procrastinator

More often than not, procrastinators possess a positive view of their ability to finish the work on time. This line of thinking results in a detrimental delusion in time management and creates unexpected delay in their task until there is no time left to finish the work at hand. In turn, this act is followed by a burst of anxious, last minute efforts to complete the work that often gets accompanied by an innate excuse to justify their action, blaming it on “lack of time” or, should it meet a deadline and work, you might hear “I like to work under pressure."

The common characteristics that procrastinators have are:

· Unorganized

· Stubborn behavior

· Manipulatory

· Low self esteem and self confidence

· Inability to cope with pressure

· Fear of failure

· Fear of change

· Fear to face the unknown

· Stressed, tired and overworked

· Perfectionism - A very common one used by entrepreneurs

· Indecisiveness

· A feeling of being too busy all of the time


Even though this problem might not seem to be that serious, this can cause disturbing effects to the life of an individual. Procrastinators often experience the feeling of helplessness and weakness together with the frustration of not having the ability to control their life. Or, on the adverse, they take on a cocky attitude, nothing is ever their fault, others can just deal with it, it's part of their personality, so get over it, etc.

I was one that fell into the procrastination excuse of "paralysis through analysis" and very seldom pulled the trigger on anything out of fear I would not do it right. Then, if it was something that needed to be done, then I would rush through it at the last minute and it would become a self fulfilling prophecy because I would end up messing up or not completely something properly.

In the next few posts, I hope to show you that procrastination isn't just a personality trait and can be changed.

I usually end with "here's to your success" but I think now I will say, "work on your success" especially if you are having issues in the area of procrastination.

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