
Success Starts Here

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

10 Leading Causes Of Stress


The University of Washington first did a study in 1967 that theorized that there was a connection between major life events and physical health. As part of that study, Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, along with their team, charted all of the major stress factors. In 1967, this chart contained 43 main causes for stress in the average person. Thirty-nine years later, in 2006, that chart was revised to contained 55.  Since 2002 we are even higher yet, now adding on extra stress with traveling, foreign affairs, etc.

It is highly apparent that our modern society, filled with conveniences that are supposed to make our lives easier and less stressed, is finding more and more reasons to feel stress.


So, by knowing the leading causes of stress in your life, you can take actions that could minimize, if not eliminate them all together. Do you think it is possible to totally eliminate stress from your life, or will it be part of your life until you die, quite possibly being the cause of your death? Or maybe, there is a middle ground somewhere?


Which Are Your Leading Causes for Stress?


Death of a Loved One

The Holmes-Rahe Social Scale, that they based on their findings are still pretty accurate in the 21st century. The scale shows that the death of a loved one, more specifically a spouse, can be one of the most stressful events a person can face. This stress is compounded when that couple owes a lot of debts and the remaining spouse must worry about finances on top of grieving the loss of a spouse. Issues can add up even more if someone loses a spouse while there are still minor children living at home.



Divorce is another leading cause of stress among men and women, this according to the Holmes-Rahe scale. In addition to dealing with a variety of stressful emotions, divorce usually means that one or both spouses must leave their home. Individuals also may have to deal with disagreements involving division of property, finances, and child support custody issues.



Finances, particularly mortgage foreclosures, are another leading cause of stress ranking at the top of the Holmes-Rahe stress assessment scale. People who live in poverty, and individuals who face overwhelming debt or bankruptcy usually experience high levels of stress.



Work-related stress is common among men and women who have demanding jobs and work long hours. Workers also tend to be more stressed during poor economic times when they worry about layoffs or a reduction in hours.



Personal health issues can be stressful on both children and adults. Working to get well, worrying about medical costs or dealing with an unexpected health crisis or chronic illness can all bring on stress. The sad part is that stress itself contributes to disease. In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that within the next 10 years, stress-related conditions like depression will rank as the second leading cause of disability worldwide.


Personal Relationships

Everyone is stressed at times by personal relationships, even when relationships are basically good. Couples argue, parents and children fight and occasionally conflict among friends or co-workers can create stress.


Chronically Ill Child

Parents who have a child with a serious health problem or injury frequently are under a great deal of stress. They worry about the recovery of their child, and may find it difficult to see their child suffering or in pain. There can be financial worries associated with a child's illness as well.


Childhood Trauma

Some individuals experience long-term stress as a result of a traumatic childhood. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, milestone research in 1998, found that difficult emotional experiences as a child can cause physical stress on the body throughout life. Children who live in abusive homes, or who grow up living with an alcoholic or drug abuser often suffer more psychological stress throughout adulthood.



Pregnancy, too, can be a stressful event. This is particularly true of pregnancies, which were not planned, or pregnancies that result in serious complications for the mother, child or both. Another problem is that sometimes couples realize that they are not as ready financially or emotionally for a child as they thought they were.



Dangerous situations such as fires, automobile accidents or being the victim of crime can cause stress. Any hazardous event that is out of the ordinary for an individual can cause either short- or long-term physical or emotional stress.


Stress can be caused by many factors and, no matter how minor, some may be, they can add up to become debilitating. Before you go away depressed and stressed about this post, we will start discussing some ways to relieve stress next time. So be sure to check out my next blog.


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