“Judge of
a man by his questions rather than by his answers.”
One good question can transform your life, but one bad answer can
ruin it. In some cases, many do not ask questions because they do not want the
answer; they are content going through life, never asking the questions that
need asking.
There is the chance that you just “happened” upon this post, in
which case…Welcome! However, for most of you reading this, you are on a
journey; a journey to a successful life.
As such, you cannot move forward without asking yourself questions
and searching out the answers. That is what this journey is all about. It’s
more of a quest; a quest to seek out answers to specific questions and not just
be content to allow things in our lives to just happen.
So lets get
Question #1:
What makes me happy?
The answer to this question will truly change your life. Many
people don’t even ask this question.
If you ask yourself this question every day and you can work on the
answers and implement a plan of action then your life will change forever.
Now, I know that this is not a simple question to answer and that
is where the other questions start to come into play.
Question #2: Am
I truly happy in the job I am doing?
We spend about a quarter of our lives working. If we are not happy in that job it literally means that we are unhappy for nearly a quarter of our lives. Most of us have to work and most of us are not working at a job we love, however it’s difficult to do a job we love and put money on the table. Though most of us can’t just drop the job and go into business for ourselves right this second, there is ALWAYS something we can do about the job we are in, you’re never too old to change careers, you might need training for a career change but 1 -3 years of your life studying for a new career is better than another 20 years being miserable in a job that you can’t stand. Whether it is changing careers or starting your own business, it doesn’t have to be a dramatic change. Start slow, part time, and at your own pace. In a later post I will discuss the value of the “side-preneur”, but for now, just know that you aren’t stuck; just start looking for the answer.
Question #3: Am I truly happy in my relationship?
When I say relationship, most minds wander to their significant other, but it goes beyond that. Not just the relationship with your mate, but what about the relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, associates, even your pets.
It is important to evaluate every relationship that you are in and
ask this question.
To stay in a relationship out of convenience or procrastination or,
in some cases, fear is to allow yourself to not grow. There are obviously some
relationships that you can’t just cut off, but you can start to limit the
amount of access and input those relationships have in your life.
In a future post, I will get more in-depth about relationships, but
for now, ask this question and start figuring out which relationships need work.
Question #4:
What can I do to make a difference to someone else?
Trust me, this
is not as altruistic as it sounds, but if your heart is in the right place then
it doesn’t matter. The fact that you are helping someone will make a
difference. Helping other people to achieve massive goals or simply helping
someone with their shopping can make a difference. Giving feels much better than
receiving and gives our spirits a lift.
Zig Ziglar
always said, “You’ll get everything in life that you want, if you just help
enough people get what they want.” If you truly want to be successful, then
this is a question that you need to ask yourself every day. Do one thing a day
for another person and you will see a difference, don’t worry if you don’t
receive anything back from it, just know that it will make you feel good.
Question #5:
What can I do to be healthier?
Most of us know
the answer to this question already; it’s just that we rarely ask it out of
fear of what the answer involves and what is needed in order to get there.
10 minutes of
exercise per day could change your life if you are willing. Watching how much
junk food we consume daily could change our lives.
You don’t
need me to give you advice on your health, ask yourself this question and the
basic answers will come to you, just work on answering the question if you are
brave enough to ask it, that is. Health plays a major role in success believe it
or not.
Bonus Question:
What is the worst that can happen?
Yes, I had to
slip in a bonus question here. By
answering this question, it will help alleviate any apprehension in answering
the other questions as well as give you the confidence to ask yourself even more
This is a
fantastic question that will help you out in times of stress. The undue pressure
we put on ourselves causes stress, which leads to worst case scenario thinking
that ends up leading to more stress over what ifs that don’t exist.
situational stress can be alleviated by just asking ourselves this one question,
as the answer.
More often than
not, the answer usually isn’t as bad as we often think.
The goal of
this post is to get you to asking the important questions in your life that will
lead you to success. Don’t be afraid to ask the question, but more important,
don’t be afraid to look for the answers.
We are about to
get into the bare bones of copywriting, marketing and building a successful
business that will lead to a successful life, but to do that, we must be able to
ask ourselves the hard questions.
The purpose of these blog
posts is to help you strive to be more successful and to create a life worth
living, so I never want to end a post without giving your some sort of “power
question” to ponder over. Answering these questions will help you to take
Power Question for the
After creating a goal,
how would you feel about aiming to double that goal? For instance: if your goal
is to make $50K this year, how would you feel to change that goal to $100K?
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