Success isn't about money, it's about freedom; freedom from the rat race. It's also about control, more so, taking control; control of your own destiny and not turning it over to someone else. Success is about legacy; creating a legacy that you can pass on.

Success Starts Here
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Why You, Why Now?
Success is ethereal; it isn’t the same thing to every person. This simple fact keeps many from creating the life that they so desperately want and so justifiably disserve. My new goal for 2015 is to help as many people as I can to jump the walls of the rat race maze, to break free from the golden handcuffs that are keeping them down and to help them find their true level of success and create a life and a legacy worth living. So, that being said, I ask again:
Why You, Why Now?
There is an old proverb that goes something like this,
"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
Whether you believe in fate, the directing hand of God or simple coincidence, you have found yourself here for a reason.
In this first blog, I am going to discuss
What is keeping you from success in life
How to start redirecting your future now
A mind shift that will allow you to start seeing yourself as an entrepreneur and know that you can do this
How big is your "WHY"?
Ben Franklin once wrote, "I would rather have it said ‘He lived usefully' than 'He died rich.'" More than just words, it was the way Franklin lived his life. It was never about money. Like so many wealthy people will tell you, money is a tool, not a reason.
As I get older, I have gained new perspective on the illusion of wealth and status as it relates to fulfillment. I no longer see my life as being measured by dollars and cents, or by the number of books I've authored. Rather, I want to be remembered by the lives that I've helped. With each day that passes, I feel a greater sense of urgency to make sure my time and energies are properly invested in the creation and development of new leaders and entrepreneurs.
That however isn't enough. That isn't my big why. My biggest why is my daughter. I want to leave a legacy behind for her. I decided that I didn't want a life where my little girl only saw me for a few hours a day while I missed watching her grow up. Every day I see her face and it inspires me to do whatever I can to create a better life for her while, at the same time, developing a legacy that she can be proud of when I am gone.
Decide now what your big why is? Think on this as long as you need to. Don't be flippant or flighty; think long and hard, why do you want to get out of the rat race? In this blog series you are going to find the tools, expertise and marketing techniques to move you along in creating the life that you want, but it's all for not if you can't define the number one reason, the WHY, for doing it.
The future is now
We find, in life, that we are defined not so much by the moment of an experience or situation, but by the response that we give to the experience. Do we throw in the towel and quit or do we bounce back with a new perspective? Do we hold on to bitterness or choose to forgive those who wronged us? Do we play the blame game or do we work toward acknowledging our role in the situation and improving ourselves? Whatever the case, the experiences in our lives profoundly touch us. Our life experience that we encounter is varied and different for each of us, but here are a few invaluable truths on gaining the most from them in order to change perspectives.
1. Evaluate the experience: Contrary to popular belief, experience in and of itself is not usually the best teacher. Being able to properly evaluate the experience is. Always look at every experience as a learning tool. Draw on your experiences to grow and gain wisdom. Using the present to learn from our past directs our future.
2. Properly manage emotional aspects of each experience: We are emotion driven creatures and our experiences come with attached emotions—sometimes positive, and sometimes not so much. Teach yourself to counteract the negative feelings while harnessing the momentum of the positive ones.
3. Share you story: You will find in this blog series that I teach best with stories, as do most of my mentors. I find that storytelling and using my personal experiences are some of my richest teaching materials. Make a habit of sharing the lessons learned from the experiences that have shaped your life and you will see that this is the start of a legacy that will live on way past your physical body.
Sell results, not hours!
The number one thing that keeps people struggling is the mindset that is often referred to as the 'paycheck mentality' or the 'scarcity mindset', but no matter what you call it, it is a mental hurdle that needs to be crossed before you can move forward. In working for someone else, they are buying your time. The most difficult obsticle that I had to overcome was shifting from selling my time to selling my knowledge.
In this blog series, we will cover free and low cost ways to market, develop product, etc. but before we can do any of that we must first realize that time is the only thing that you can never get back. You can lose posessions and gain them back, you can lose friends and gain new ones, money is lost and gained every day, but once time is gone, it is gone.
When you truly grasp this, you see how valuable your time is and you can start creating systems and ideals that help you to stop allowing others to control your time. This is the first step to entrepreneurship and creating a life you want and can be proud of.
If you haven't signed up yet, click on the opt-in box and enter your information. Not only will you receive my newsletter and blog updates filled with valuable content to help you grow a successful entrepreneurial venture for little to no cost, but by signing up now, you will also receive my latest report.
Lets get started on creating that life that you dream of, need and deserve.
Congratulations of taking the first steps to getting out of the rat race. Welcome to your new future.
The purpose of these blog posts is to help you strive to be more successful and to create a life worth living, so I never want to end a post without giving your some sort of “power question” to ponder over. Answering these questions will help you to take action.
Power Question for the day:
If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change that you would start to make?
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