
Success Starts Here

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cleaning Out Your Closets


OK, we’ve already talked in the last chapter a bit about cleaning out our closets. The two-boxes in the garage method is a good way to get rid of things that can be donated and those things that need to be tossed out. I have found that the same rules apply when you are getting rid of things in other closets, like utility closets or coat closets, etc.


The best way to clean out your closets for organization is to make sure that you are maximizing all of the space in your closet. If you have a basement, you can put up shelves and use containers for storage. If you have a small home, however, you may not have a lot of closet space and have to trim down what you decide to keep even further.


There are closet organizers that can help you keep your closets, not only more organized, but also give you more use of the space. When you look at the inside of an empty closet, you see that there is a lot more space than a traditional closet allots for. The shelves at the top, for example, are often used to toss up different items like sweaters and shirts. The poles hang clothes. Closet organizers can make more use of this space by installing shelves and even baskets in your closets so that they look neater. However you still have to clean out these spaces on a periodic basis otherwise you will find that the closet is filled with clutter, no matter how you hide it in drawers and baskets.


Cleaning out a traditional closet should take you about two hours. I have found that the easiest way to do this is to toss everything out of the closet and put it on the bed or the middle of the floor. Make sure that the closet is completely empty. Then start going through the items that you want and those that you no longer use. If you have clothes that you have not worn for two years or more, guess what? You’re probably not going to wear them again. The exception would be evening clothes that are still in style; these still fit you and you might be able to wear them again if you are invited to a wedding or a fancy occasion. Sentimental items should also be kept as well, but preserve it somehow. Don’t have it intermingled with the everyday items, making it so that you have to move it around to get what you want to wear.


Get rid of shoes that you no longer wear, have holes in them or are missing a mate. Once you are finished with your clothes and have sorted out what you want and what you want to get rid of, use the two boxes method to separate the good from the trash and then dispose of them accordingly.


You can do the same thing with any closet in your home. Once you have cleared out the items that you are keeping and place those back in the closet, you are then left with only the items that you are getting rid of. So you can then easily put those items that you are not keeping out without having to dig through it multiple times. I would try to do this twice a year, usually when the weather changes. The proverbial ‘Spring Cleaning’ and a Fall cleaning schedule is always good to have and get the entire family in on the act if possible. Even small children can help organize their toy chest and closet.


The same goes for the utility closet. Go through it once in a while and get rid of things that you no longer need. Think of your garage as a large utility closet. Again, I have found that the easiest way to get rid of clutter and junk in the closets is to empty them and then put everything back in, discarding things that you no longer want or will use. It makes it easier to find things that you really do need when you need them.


With your garage, pull the cars out to the curb or low enough in the driveway that you have space to pull things out. Don’t be surprised if you get total strangers walking up and rummaging because they think that you are having a garage sale though.


In addition to cleaning out closets, also go through your drawers. We all have at least one drawer in our house that holds a variety of all sorts of items. From batteries to coupons to instruction guides, we have everything stuffed in these drawers. Holding on to coupons that expired three years ago is a waste of space.

In the kitchen, think of the pantry as another closet you want to organize. Try to do this once a month or every time that you purchase new food items and make sure that everything is neat and all the empty boxes get tossed into the recycling bin.


Organizing your house is much more than just getting rid of the things that can be seen by visitors, it’s also the things that are hidden away in closets that are jammed with items that you haven’t worn in years or things you no longer need or can use. The hidden parts of the home, like under the bed, under the sinks and anywhere else things have an ability to accumulate if left unchecked must also be organized in order for you to have a truly organized home.


By doing this, you make more room for when you acquire new things and you also feel better when you need to open your closets or drawers as everything is much more neatly displayed. It gives you a more relaxed feeling, not to mention much more space and a greater ability to find items that you may want to wear or use with much greater ease. Some may refer to this as home making zen.


The purpose of these blog posts is to help you strive to be more successful and to create a life worth living, so I never want to end a post without giving your some sort of “power question” to ponder over. Answering these questions will help you to take action.


Power Question for the day:

Ok, I have asked you what your really loved, now I ask; what do you hate? What thing out there is it that makes your blood boil just thinking about it (or him/her)? How can you change that emotion? Ok, so that was two questions in this one, but they go together and I know you can handle it.

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