
Success Starts Here

Saturday, February 21, 2015

How To De-clutter

Let me start by saying that there are good ways to get rid of clutter and there are bad ways to get rid of clutter. The bad way is the route we usually take when we get disgusted with the fact that we have too many things all over the place, usually after we have stubbed our toe in the middle of the night on something that the kids or the dog left out, and then decide to get rid of everything. I know this because we have all been there more than once.


What happens is that we end up getting rid of things that cannot be replaced and are gone forever. Like everything else, clutter has to be evaluated before you get rid of it. And you should also make sure to keep good stewardship in mind, and not discarding things that other people can use, even if you no longer want them.


The good way to get rid of clutter is the way that I now use. I keep give away boxes in my garage and then I go through my home periodically and get rid of clutter in the places that is most likely collects such as closets, storage rooms and that all of the other cubby holes things end up getting tucked if not being used for awhile. Once the giveaway boxes are full, I donate them to one of the many charity organizations in our area.


There are some things, however, that are not meant for charity as they are too worn , stained or have something broken, like a zipper. If it is too bad off to donate, and if I can’t salvage it for another purpose (old shirts into garage rags, etc.) then off to the landfill they go.


Clutter can consist of many different things in your home that you have no use for and you have been accumulating for long time. A reality television show that has grown in popularity is called “Hoarders” and deals with people who have an addiction to collecting clutter. I’ve seen people who have had houses filled with old magazines and newspapers, dolls, empty food containers. Homes where you had to walk a narrow path to get through the house in order to get from one room to the next. This is the result of clutter piling up to the point where it got overwhelming for the person.


There are two reasons why people tend to collect a lot of clutter. One reason is that they feel that they have something of value and continue to hang onto items that, in reality, usually have very little or no value. These types of people are those who are afraid to throw anything out because they will find that they need it later. There is also an obsessive/compulsive disorder that compels people to keep everything that they receive.  Including junk mail, newspapers and other items that people normally throw out, just in case they may want to look at them later. Some people just like to hold onto junk. These are disorders that need to be professionally treated and that is not what I am talking about here.


The other reason people keep clutter is because they are too overwhelmed to know where to begin when it comes to getting rid of the clutter and this is the reason that I want to address in this post. Cleaning out an overstuffed closet seems to be a monumental task that one cannot bear to undertake. So the clutter builds and builds. Until they get to the point where they decide to chuck it all and end up getting rid of their yearbooks, wedding dress, old baby pictures that there are no copies of, etc. Most people fall into this second category.


The easiest way to get rid of clutter in your home is to decide what you want to keep and why. Obviously, things that have sentimental value or those that are collectible are kept. Clothes that you wear are kept. Other things, however, such as the kids toys that they no longer play with because they’re now teenagers, clothes that you haven’t worn in years and cannot wear even if you wanted to as well as knick knacks, old videos, music and books can be given to many different charities.


Electronic equipment also falls into this category. Do you really need that analog TV sitting on the floor of your bedroom when you just bought yourself a flat screen? Many charities will not take electronics, so it is best to advertise them for free on a site like Craig’s List or just to give them to a neighbor or friend who can use it. If you know someone who collects all types of junk, you can make their day by giving them stuff you no longer want and save yourself the trouble of having to advertise to get rid of it. A word of caution here though, if the person cannot get any value out of it or if they are suffering from a hoarding disorder, then you are perpetuating there problem and adding to their situation by pawning off your clutter situation to them.


Take your time when you are getting rid of clutter. If it seems daunting, give yourself an hour to work on the project and then stop until the next day. Even if you spend a half an hour a day working on what to keep and what to give away or toss, you will start making headway. You do not have to feel as though you need to get rid of clutter all in one day.


Once every month, I go through the books that are keepers and those that I will never read again and send them to the Goodwill. Subscriptions to magazines, you can take to the doctor’s office after removing the address and name label. Newspapers get bundled up and recycled. If you want to really get industrious and you have the time, EPA now requires newspapers to use soy based inks that are biodegradable so you can shred them and use them in a compost bin for your next gardening project.


People with little children have to be especially vigilant when it comes to toys, stuffed animals and clothes as children outgrow these quickly. Instead of letting all of these items pile up and clutter up closets and playrooms, it is much better to give those that are in good shape to organizations that can sell them for a low price to people who will be grateful to have them. This is a good way for you to teach your children a little bit about good stewardship and how to not want to hoard everything that they receive. Of course, there are some things that are sentimental to your children that they will not want to get rid of and those should be kept.


If you are uncertain about getting rid of stuff, such as old files, clothes that you want to try to get back into, etc. Then put them in a box, seal it up, properly mark what is in it and keep that in the closet, nook, or where ever. Make sure to write the date that you packed the box. If, after a year, the box is still there un-opened, move it to the garage. If you find after another year has passed, that you still haven’t opened it up to retrieve anything out of it, then get rid of it. At that point, the chances of you actually needing something out of it are very slim.


In a nutshell, clutter is anything that makes your house look like a mess and consists of items that you do not need and may have accumulated over the years. When you are ready to let go, make sure that you give them to someone who may be able to use them. The items that you keep should be stored in a place where they are unobtrusive and do not make the house look cluttered.


You can look for traditional storage for these items or get creative. Once you get rid of the clutter and have, as they used to say “a place for everything and everything in its place,” you will not only find it easier to clean your home and office, but you will feel more organized. You will know where to find things when you need them and not have to worry about inadvertently throwing something out by mistake, like your high school yearbook.


The purpose of these blog posts is to help you strive to be more successful and to create a life worth living, so I never want to end a post without giving your some sort of “power question” to ponder over. Answering these questions will help you to take action.


Power Question for the day:

What do you love? Not flippant, but actually have a deep heart-felt endearing love for?

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