
Success Starts Here

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Ultimate Avatar: Knowing your perfect customer/client


No, I am not talking about tall blue alien CGI creatures from the movie, but rather a detailed vision of your ideal client. An avatar is a representation. By creating an avatar, you have something to concentrate your attentions to.


The more you can visualize the perspective of your ideal clients, the more you’ll be able to “speak their language” and be able to most effectively market to them.


John Lee Dumas goes so far as to give his ultimate avatar a name. He knows every minute detail about his average client and bases all of his efforts on that one avatar.


The following is a check list to go through so that you can determine who your ideal client is. Have fun with it, give this person a name, if this ideal customer/client actually reminds you of someone, get a picture of that person and keep it in front of you every time you are creating for that particular market.


Whether it is marketing or specific product creation, the less generic that you are, the more profitable you will become based on the selected avatar that you have created.


Ideal Client “Checklist”


This checklist will give you some great starting points on what you

should know about your avatar.


1. What is your ideal client’s gender, age, religion/spirituality, marital

status, socio-economic status, education level, or any other

demographics that are relevant?

2. What specific attributes do they possess?

3. Where do they tend to live?

4. What kinds of jobs or careers do they tend to have?

5. What are the things they’re most passionate about?

6. What are the things that most upset or irritates them?

7. What is their ideal vision for what they want their life, career,

health, etc. to look like?

8. In what ways are they stuck / what are their biggest challenges?

9. How do they learn best, and where do they tend to go to learn?

10. What types of groups, associations, or classes do they participate


11. What do they read?

12. What hobbies and interests do they have?

13. What do they do for fun and recreation?

14. What are the priorities that they spend money and time on?

15. Is there a particular “situation” or “aspect” they have in common?

(For example: cancer survivors, recently divorced, retiring)…

16. What are their core values?

17. What is their biggest regret?

18. Have they likely already tried to get help for their challenges (pain points)? What have they tried?


It’s incredible what an awareness and insight you’ll have about your client after completing this checklist. Please don’t feel that this is all; remember that these are your avatars, so get them as personalized as you can. Feel free to add anything you feel is relevant to this list!

Remember, knowing your ideal client as intimately as you can and will pay off in multiples.

By actually being able to clearly see who your ideal client is, you’ll be able to attract the ideal client and be able to create that “know, like, and trust” factor that will turn that client into a fan and a repeatable customer.


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