Wikipedia defines integrity in the following way:
“Integrity is the basing of one's actions on an
internally consistent framework of principles. One is said to have integrity to
the extent that everything he does and believes is based on the same core set of
principles. The behaviors that one genuinely reflects when being one of
integrity includes: honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, keeping one's word and
agreements, punctuality, ethics, fairness and justice.”
The power of one’s integrity is realized when they
discover that everything they do and say is guided by the above behaviors. When
these behaviors become the yardstick by which your life is guided and measured,
you have the power, the will and the moral right to do and become anything that
you want.
Unfortunately too many of our business leaders, sports
stars, entertainment icons and politicians (especially politicians) have not
reflected sincere integrity in their comments and behaviors; saying one thing
and then doing another. As a result, some have lost their jobs, some have lost
their families, and others have even lost their freedom because of their
There used to be a time in which
you could point to a successful businessman or sports star and tell your child
to emulate them because they were special and admired by all. Today that is not
the case as the morals and actions of many show no sign of integrity and instead
loudly bugle, “I’ll get mine and to heck with everyone else. As long as I
get what I want, how I do it is immaterial.”
Young entertainers having a following of young teens,
presenting themselves as wholesome only to find that they are posing in
provocative clothing and poses in magazines and posters, sports starts telling
kids to stay off drugs only to be arrested for DUI, politicians touting
transparency while making deals behind closed doors and evangelists preaching
the ten commandments while living in sin; it’s no wonder that we no longer
have heroes like we once did.
Fortunately, however, the average adult is now beginning
to recognizing these charlatans for what they are and no longer want to have
anything to do with them. It is very heartening to see that the average citizen
has more integrity than many of the so-called elite in our society. As such, we
are beginning to teach our children to be more observant as to whom we idolize
and look up to.
Many companies are now creating mission statements and
codes of conduct by which all of their employees from the newest recruit to the
CEO must follow. It is nice to see that integrity isn’t passé and is making a
come back. Its power ensures that we will all get honest and considerate
treatment from those who follow the behaviors that were listed above.
It is vital that we all know and really discover the
power of integrity when we commit to personal accountability and making great
choices. Were you aware that the power of integrity lies within each and every
one of us despite who we are, where we are from or how we were brought up?
Well, it does and it is very easy to release this power.
All you have to do is follow the above behaviors in everything you do and say
and you will discover that the power of integrity opens a whole new lifestyle
for you. The power of integrity, a power that no one can take away from you, but
which you can squander by not following the above behaviors, is the power of
your soul, the power that will ignite the passion of your conscience.
With integrity as your guide, you will never again have
to settle for less in your life, your business, your ministry or even your
family because your actions and words will mark you as an exceptional
individual, someone to be followed and to be listened to. When you are locked
into a life of integrity, you will feel powerful and self-confident and you will
exhibit a magnetic presence and an aura of leadership. With the power you gain
from your life of integrity, you will become successful in all areas of your
If you were not raised in an environment that placed a
huge emphasis on integrity, then it will be difficult at first, but Jim Rohn
says it like this, “We have ‘bad’ habits, but create ‘good’
disciplines.” It will require some work, but eventually the disciplines that
you create will become habits that will inspire others.
In conclusion, living a life of integrity gives you more power than any other lifestyle. Your success will be immeasurable, your popularity unmatched and your joy will be boundless. A life devoted to integrity will be an ultimate lifestyle, and what could be better than that?
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