Are you a Mom in business? Then you already know the secret of success.
What is it?
I have found, from my daughter’s birth, that everything you need to know about succeeding in business you learned from giving birth. No, really! From my wife’s cravings on up to the big day, there are principles that you learn along the way that coincide with business.
Principle #1: It’s going to be more work than you
I know you read about people who have an idea that "accidentally" makes them a million, much like your neighbor's cousin twice removed who had a 2-hour painless labor.
Don't count on it!
Your business is probably going to be more work than you thought at first. For example, whatever business you are going in to, you are going in to marketing, and you'll have to discipline yourself to do those things even when you don't feel like it. And there's a reason they call it "labor" also.
Principle #2: It’s
going to take longer than you think.
Yes, that's right. It's unlikely you'll be an overnight success. It will likely take you a couple of years as well as reinvesting in your knowledge and in your business before you realize your income goals. But that's ok because...
Principle #3: It’s
a lot of work up front but the prize is at the end.
And the prize is so worth it, isn't it? In fact when you get there you may have so much fun that you immediately begin planning another! Well, I actually told people who asked that I was holding out for a puppy, but the birth of my daughter was one of the greatest things, to date, that I have ever experienced and wouldn’t change a thing…well, next time I may have someone else in there holding her hand during the contractions.
In business, there is a lot of work up front, but once that baby is going, if you have the right strategies in place, it starts taking care of itself more and more as it grows, leaving you to enjoy it even more. If you aren’t and still feel like you are in the rat race, then you may re-evaluate your strategies, but more on that in a later post.
Principle #4: You're
going to look dumb sometimes.
That's right. Ever looked at photos taken right after giving birth? I don’t know who looked worse for wear, my wife or me. Oh, and then there was me taking my daughter out of the room so my wife could get some sleep, only to set off an alarm in the hospital for taking the baby out of the women’s ward and me hanging half way out of the car in the hospital parking lot trying to get that stupid car seat properly attached…the list goes on.
You're going to make mistakes in your business. Get over it! You have a job to do. You don't have to look and sound perfect all the time. This is also a good reason to keep a list of goals, because, trust me, they will change like dirty diapers in the beginning.
Principle #5: Be
sure to surround yourself with people who have done it before.
Even with the help of the hospital, I was a nervous wreck so I can honestly not see how anyone could do it unassisted and I don't believe in going it alone with your business either.
Find a mentor. Go upline, downline, online, but find someone who is doing what it is you want to do and get his or her assistance. Subscribe to their e-zine or newsletter, find out if they do mentoring, study their techniques, etc.
Principle #6: Tell anyone who has something negative to say or a bad attitude to go away.
You don't need anyone with bad energy present at your birth. They'll slow you down and stop the communication you have with your own wisdom. In fact, this is why most hospitals don’t allow more than one other person in the room while the delivery is taking place. Similarly, don't listen to people who discourage you with your business goals!
Principle #7: Just
when you think you can't go on….the worst part is over.
Have you ever thought about giving up in your business? It just seems like too much work, you're tired and want to go home right now!? (My wife had been induced and decided that she changed her mind after about 45 minutes) You're in an important transition. Keep your eyes on the end prize.
If you hang in there a little longer, take it one contraction…er, day at a time, you'll get the prize, and it will be so much more than you ever dreamed. My daughter has been and so has my business.
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