Disclaimer: I know, you are asking yourself why I would be writing an article like this. I seem to be stepping out of my area of expertise. The reason for this is because I know from personal experience that anyone in business, who is married or in a long term relationship, will be significantly and directly affected in all areas of their life by how that relationship is going, and how healthy that relationship is. I
You hear
the phrase, “ never mix business with personal” but there is really no
getting around it. Too often we let our work life interfere with our personal
life and this causes issues. If you are currently experiencing problems with
your relationships at home, take some advice from…
Recovering Unromantic
Research has proven that those who are happy at home are more productive and
less stressed out on the job. When we develop a better relationship with our
mate or significant other, it will help you develop a happier life and a better
business. I have some nuggets of truth for you to chew on to help develop a
strong and healthy relationship and rekindle some of the romance that may have
gotten laid aside over the years.
- Be a Microphone, Not a Speaker or Stereo. Communication is the number one key to having
a long-lasting relationship and listening is the part of communicating that
most forget. More often that we would publicly admit, we either hog most of
the conversation by talking to and over our mate the microphone), or we wait
to speak, but instead of listening to what our mate is saying, and
understanding them, too often we are making mental notes of what we would
like to say as soon as the opportunity to jump in comes about. Yes, we guys
have more of an issue with this second one that the ladies, but there are
quite a few of the female persuasion who have this issue as well.. We find
ourselves looking for the weakness in our mate's argument or developing
talking points from the words being said that will allow us to redirect the
conversation to something that we want to talk about more. We are listening
to the sentence structures instead of what they are saying and the manner in
which they're saying it.
Take some time this week and try
to really listen to and understand what your mate is saying and feeling?
- “No Work On the Brain” Date Night. I have found that this was one of the most
difficult things to do. In today’s society, with work, family, friends, it
is too easy to put our relationships on the back burner and take time just
for each other. This is really difficult when children are entered into the
equation. While we might have every intention of blocking out a regular time
to spend quality time with our mate, we often find ourselves driven by a
schedule that doesn’t leave room for the “us time” because the day
planner seems to set us on a non-stop coarse in every direction and leaves
the “us time” on the backburner to simmer, which often leads to it
cooling down. We must realize the importance of our relationship with our
mate and the effect that it has on our life as a whole. It is a priority
that we make spending time with our mate a top of the list goal by
scheduling a specific time every day to just talk, at least once a week to
get alone together, talk, and simply relax in each other’s company with no
distractions. Once a month, there needs to be a date night completely away
from anything that distracts you from being in the moment and concentrating
on your mate. Pencil…NO, INK it into your schedule and don't change it for
anything except, of course a life or death situation. Sit down with your
mate and decide what nights will work each and every week, and then put it
into both of your day planners. If someone asks you if you're available at
that time, you tell him or her you already have an obligation that can’t
be changed. In the long run, you will find that this time with your mate
will help you to become more of a success than you could have ever foreseen.
- Consider your mate's
interests more important than your own. When each person has
decided to give of themselves to the other, you form a reciprocating
relationship of love, concern, and devotion. When you come to a place where
you disagree or where the two of you have differing opinions, try to get to
the point where you can consider what your mate likes as more important then
what you would like to do. The simple decision to do this goes a long way
toward developing a healthy relationship!
- Learn your mate's love
language. There is a lot of talk about love languages.
What this is, is that each individual has certain ways they receive love
from other people. Some people like to have time spent with them. Others
like gifts, small or large. Still others respond best to personal touch. And
others appreciate verbal affirmation. Some like be loved by act service. Our
tendency is to show love the way that we like to receive love, but what will
recharge our relationship fastest is to find out what way our mate likes to
receive affirmations of our love. The next time you get a chance to speak to
your mate, ask them which of the above ways they like best to receive your
demonstration of love. Then make a conscious effort to begin showing your
love to them in that manner.
- Do the small things you
did when you first fell in love with your mate.
Do remember when you were first in love? Remember the small things you did
show your love to your mate? But as time went along, you probably began to
get weighed down with simply living life and forgot the small things that
made the difference in the beginning. Things like a phone call in the middle
of the day just to talk or say "I love you," an appreciative note,
flowers, gifts, and opening doors. Re-charge your relationship by
consciously going back and doing the small things that you did when your
love first began to grow.
- Forgive.
I've done a lot of work with couples were having troubles, and one of the
most common elements I find that is working against the development of their
relationship is that they are holding something against the other and they
aren't willing to forgive. The fact is that your mate is going to fail you
from time to time. We need to understand that. What we do when we get to
that point however, is what will make all the difference in the world. In a
relationship that is going to last, the people involved are committed to
forgiving one another. Those who's relationships last longest, and will be
the healthiest, are those who are committed to forgiveness.
I hope these thoughts are helpful to you in recharging your love relationship. I
truly believe that if we will put these principles into practice we will see our
relationships grow in ways they never have before, and that in turn will make
our whole life better.
Make it a GREAT day!
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