
Success Starts Here

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

7 Steps to Position Yourself for Success

7 Steps to Position Yourself for Success

Here are 7 steps to position yourself for your success...

Step 1: Commit to the Journey

Successful people are different from most people in that they are very committed and have higher determination in everything they do. The more committed that you are to your success, the more successful that you will be. You need to be committed, and be willing to take persistent, directed and massive actions that will take you to your success.

Step 2: Save to Grow

Develop the habit of saving; not just money, but information. When it comes to money, it doesn’t matter how much right now as long as you make it a habit to save a portion of your income every month and you will see the power of compounding interest. Without saving money, you will never have money for any form of investment and it is the investments that lead to real successful growth. When it comes to information, Jim Rohn says that we need to have a library. This library will consist of books and authors that you find informative, inspiring and educational. It will also house the journals that you will be keeping so that you can randomly go back and see how much you have grown in this journey to success.

Step 3: Adopt the Million-Dollar Mindset

If you missed the blog on the million-dollar mindset, I suggest going back and reading it. Basically, in order to be successful, you need to think like a millionaire, as Jim Rohn says, “not for the sake of becoming a millionaire, but for what you have to become to be a millionaire. For example, a millionaire never blames other people or the environment for what happens to them, even when they suffer losses. Instead they work to improve themselves and learn from losses.  In their failures, they see opportunities and hope while others will only see the failures and wallow in them.

Step 4: Chase Your Passion

As the old adage goes, “do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.” This will keep you motivated even during difficult times. Keep striving and focus your goals around your passion, constantly asking yourself, “What do I need to do or become to make this dream come true?” and you will be on the path to true success.

Step 5: Have a Clear Financial Plan

This one plays into steps 3 and 4. How much exactly do you need to earn in order to have the lifestyle of success that you are looking for? Figuring this out and adding a specific dollar amount to your goal is imperative because this will start the ball rolling when it comes to setting benchmarks to achieve your goals. The phrase “Money Makes the World Go ‘Round” actually has a nugget of truth to it; everything about success requires investment or money, time and effort. It isn’t sufficient enough to just say “I want to be a Millionaire” because it does not give you a clear picture of your end point or how to get there which means that you will not be able to plan for it very easily.

I will take this time to put in here that this plan needs to be on paper. Don’t just try to commit it to memory because that never works. Being creatures of habit, we will find ourselves taking the easy paths and not sticking to our goals.

Step 6: Become a Manager

It is imperative that you become a manager; a manager of every aspect of your environment.

To be wealthy, you need to balance your income and expenses, your time, your associations, your life.

An example to this would be to track your income to make sure they are spent on the right and necessary things. You cannot afford to have your expenditure rising beyond your income.


Finally, Step 7: Take MASSIVE Action!

Take massive actions to supercharge your plan for success and start making it a reality today. You should not just let your plans look good on paper. Start with small baby steps, and aim higher after each successive step. Envision your journey of success, not as a road, but a rising staircase that takes you one level higher with each step that you take. Success is yours to take, start now.

Power Question:

Jim Rohn says that we are the sum total of the top 5 people whom we most associate with, who are the top five people who have the biggest influence on your life and why?


Here's to your success!

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