What’s Stopping You From Becoming Assertive?

order to succeed in business and in life, basically anything that is worth
while, you can’t let people walk all over you. It is impossible for you to
answer the door of opportunity if you are the doormat.
“Assertiveness is not what you do, it’s who you are!” - Shakti Gawain
That being said, there is a huge difference between being assertive and being aggressive. Being assertive is a way of living where you get the most out of life without other people telling you how to do it; in short, you do not need to be obnoxious, pushy, or rude to have it your own way.
You cannot just jump in
with both feet and decide, “Hey, today I’m going to be assertive and no one
will be pushing me around anymore. No more Mr. Nice Guy!”
an assertive mindset.
you want to learn to be assertive, not aggressive. So ask yourself these
What do I value most?
What are my beliefs about how life works?
How do I feel about myself?
What are my approaches to life? Do these approaches work?
The simple fact that you are reading this post actually says a lot about you; it says you are looking for improvements in life, a change. Well, change begins with awareness. You are aware that you need to change; the problem is, most of us just have a problem with where to start, we just don’t know how to get going in the right direction. That first step is always the hardest.
It is time to learn why you
do what you are doing and how to turn that around. Remember, you cannot just
flip a switch and instantly become assertive and successful in life.
Mark Twain said, “We
do not deal much in facts when we are contemplating ourselves.” In order
to learn how to become assertive and be in charge of your own life, you must be
honest with yourself. Like Dr. Phil says all of the time on his t.v. program as
well as his books, “you cannot change what you do not acknowledge.”
It is time to figure out what you are hiding from yourself.
Do you consistently fail when it
comes to attaining your goals in life?
Are you just drifting along with
no plan, goals, and idea?
Are you stuck in a comfort zone
that gives you no new challenges?
Are you getting too little of what
you really want and way too much of what you do not want?
Are you living with guilt or
frustration and do not know how to change things?
What is at stake here is the
quality of your life. Do you want to live it fully and authentically? Or are you
okay with someone else calling the shots and making decisions for you for the
rest of your life?
Do you feel like you are
constantly being pushed around? Do you feel like you are being taken advantage
Do other people try to run your
life? Do you feel that you are ready to start living life in your own terms?
You don’t need to bow your head and just accept burdens like those listed above. You can assert yourself and reach for something better. You have the right and the ability to have what you want out of life. Let me warn you though, change does not come in an instant.
Assertiveness is something
that must be learned carefully one step at a time. This is especially true if
you have spent years just following others who tell you what to do, how to do
it, what to think, what to feel, etc. How motivated are you to change and learn
to assert yourself?
Think about those people who run our world. Whether it is business, politics, sports, or entertainment, there is one common denominator for all these people. These people know which buttons to push to get what they want. Some of these people are extremely intelligent and articulate, while others are merely manipulative.
Some are unconcerned
whether you agree with them and share their views. Others are rabid in demanding
that you fall in line with them. They feel that they know best and this gives
them the authority to tell everyone what they should be doing and saying. It is
their way or the highway.
Be aware that there are
risks involved in learning how to be assertive. You will find that many will not
agree with you. In fact, you will meet people who are skeptical and pessimistic.
They will always argue and try to prove you wrong.
Let us continue with your
assessment in life by acknowledging what is wrong in your life. Are you guilty
of saying these things to yourself?
I’m really trying but you know, it’s
just so hard!
I guess it could have been much worse.
It’s not what I wanted , but what am I
going to do?
Sometimes you have to do what you have to
We’re doing okay, I guess.
you making lots of excuses, like:
It was harder than I expected, I just
couldn’t do it.
Maybe I was expecting too much.
I have too much going on in my life to
handle any of this right now.
I’ll tackle that as soon as I have the
time and resources.
I guess what I wanted isn’t meant for
Maybe it’s not in the cards. It’s not
my destiny.
I never seem to get the right break.
is time to stop whining about bad luck, wrong timing, or how things just never
seem to work out for you! Stop hosting pity parties! Realize that the deck is
not stacked against you! Stop making excuses! It is time to learn to assert
yourself and get what you really, really want!
Okay, let us get down to
basics. What exactly are you afraid of? That is easy. People share a universal
fear of rejection. The very thought of being rejected can turn the strongest man
or woman into a quivering coward.
What does everyone crave
for in life? This one is also easy. We all crave for acceptance. We feel lost if
we are not accepted. We feel left out, excluded, and ostracized. Acceptance is
We learn about acceptance
from infancy. Children will go to any lengths; even do things they dislike just
to gain the acceptance of their parents, friends, or teachers. It continues
throughout our lives as we grow.
So accepted or not and
rejected or not, you have your own destiny to create. You can make it happy or
sad, good or bad, successful or not. Your life is your own and ultimately, you
are responsible for how it turns out. There may be road bumps along the way and
not everything will turn out according to your plan.
You may have to adjust your road map and come up with a Plan B or even a Plan C. In the end, learning how to be assertive will help you win and get what you want.
Without assertiveness, you
will lose control of your life and find yourself living someone else’s idea of
what life should be. If you shy away from being accountable and taking charge of
your own life, someone will step forward to claim responsibility for it. This
could be a parent, spouse, or in the case of an elderly person, maybe one of
their own children. If you never master the ability to assert yourself, make
your own decisions, and live your own life, someone will surely step forward and
do it for you. Is that what you want?
Asserting yourself and taking full responsibility is scary and risky for anyone. “What if I assert myself and try to create my own destiny and it doesn’t work out? Then, what will I do?”
It is normal to be a little
fearful because it is part of human nature. Keep in mind that all decisions have
consequences. As you learn to be assertive, you also learn to trust your self
when making decisions.
Your thoughts influence your world. “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” said William Shakespeare. To think is to create. Your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts influence your actions and behavior.
A change in your thoughts leads to a change in behavior and eventually in your world. What do you tell yourself? Do these negative statements sound familiar?
I’m just not smart enough.
I’ve never succeeded before, why would
now be any different?
People refuse to listen to women like me.
People make up their minds and there’s
nothing I can do about it.
I’m too young or too old.
Start by choosing to learn
how to be more assertive starting today. With this, you will need a well thought
out plan. There will be days when you wonder if you can sustain and follow
through your plan. Wouldn’t it be easier to just throw in the towel and be
done with it?
If you find yourself in
this position, remind yourself of the benefits you will enjoy when you become
assertive. Keeping the benefits in mind will help in sustaining your new and
assertive behavior.
So again, I ask the
question, what is keeping you from being more assertive? What keeps you from
making your own decisions? Are you afraid you won’t be any good at it? Are you
secretly afraid that you will be so good at it that your entire life will
change? St. Paul said, “I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do
what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”
Assertiveness is a learned
behavior. Probably, it was not taught to you as you were growing up.
Unknowingly, you developed certain behavioral patterns that do not support
assertiveness. You fall into a trap where you constantly wonder why your life is
not what you wanted.
The definition of insanity
is doing the same things in the same way, but expecting different outcomes. If
you have never done so before, learning to assert yourself produces a change in
how you handle yourself.
Unfortunately, some of the behavioral patterns that you learned in life become automatic. You do not even think about your response anymore. You do not allow yourself to evaluate the cause and effect of this behavior; you are just flying on autopilot. It may seem easier to let go and not think about the consequences. In the end, you will realize that certain behavior patterns will not continue to work for you.
‘If you always do what
you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten.” By
remaining static and not changing the pattern of behavior, you repeat the old
patterns repeatedly. It is important to stop, think, and re-evaluate whether a
learned behavior is really working for you or has become another crutch to keep
you in homeostasis.
There is a reason why you
keep getting stuck and unable to move forward. When you continue to repeat a bad
pattern repeatedly, you are doing it for a reason. You must find the reason in
order to change the behavior. Change the behavior in order to change your life
for the better.
Some people seem to be at
the mercy of others and not in charge of their own lives; they let others push
them around and tell them what to do. The sad part is that they have allowed
this to happen for several years. Some of these folks may never find their own
way, while others may just snap one day and tell everyone off. This kind of
abrupt change leaves everyone puzzled and leads to destroyed relationships and
damaged friendships.
When you decide to be assertive, you must also realize that this learned behavior must be reinforced every day. Assertiveness is not a cure-all for all your ill feelings. It is a way of managing your life.
Choosing to make your own decisions does not require you to damage another person. Being assertive does not give you the permission to push another aside, take over another’s life, or make decisions for them.
Assertiveness is about
you. It is all about your decisions
and the consequences. Remember, you get what you give. How you treat others
relates to Karma, which simply states that everything that goes around comes
Let us correct a
misconception here. Assertiveness is all about getting what you want AND
building lasting relationship with people around you.
Assertiveness works fine
when used with diplomacy. You can assert yourself without hurting others’
feelings. In fact, the real essence of assertiveness is this: As you get what
you want in life, you gain the support of people who would like to see you
If you read the meme in the picture, that is only half of it; if you act like a sheep, the wolf will eat you, but to be successful, you can't be the wolf either or others will either run from you or try to put you beneath them (alpha syndrome), so I would suggest to work toward being the sheep dog. Be the protector of the sheep to guard against the wolves of the world; assertive, knowing your place, yet only aggressive when it is called for.
Keep an eye out for the next addition to this series on assertiveness where I will go into some tips for being assertive around the home…a good place to start.
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