Today is my birthday and as a special gift to you, I want
to send you some inspirational videos and a free book to help you in this
upcoming year. It doesn’t ask for your email address, I am not soliciting
anything, this is for you and your success, absolutely free.
Just click here and enjoy.
You may have heard someone say this about beliefs. It
sounds contradictory, even ridiculous, but you had better believe that it’s
right! Understanding your beliefs, how they control your life and the traps
caused by beliefs is a key ingredient in the mental game of success.
Very simply beliefs are those things that we believe to be
”If You
Believe You Can Or You Believe You Can’t, Either Way You’re Probably
You may have heard someone say this about beliefs. It
sounds contradictory, even ridiculous, but you had better believe that it’s
right! Understanding your beliefs, how they control your life and the traps
caused by beliefs is a key ingredient in the mental game of success.
Very simply beliefs are those things that we believe to be
The first trap is that beliefs are personal – what we
believe is not the same as what other people believe – two people can look at
exactly the same thing and have different beliefs about it… and both can be
Yet we all fall into the trap of believing that our beliefs
are right while anyone who holds different beliefs is wrong!
Some beliefs are built from shared experiences – we all
believe that gravity will cause objects to fall to the ground – most people
recognise this one! These basic beliefs which come from incontrovertible
external facts are shared by the whole of humanity.
However, the majority of beliefs are not so clearly
defined. They are about ourselves and the world we live in- who we are, how we
should react, what is good for us, what is bad for us, who we should trust, who
likes us… These beliefs are more likely to be shared by smaller groups of
people – our friends, family, our cultural groups – or be personal to you as
an individual.
Beliefs are formed throughout your life, in childhood, by
copying people you respect, as a results of repetitive events, or even single,
very emotional or traumatic events. You can also pick up beliefs from your
culture and your environment. You will have some beliefs for your entire life
while beliefs about some things may be changed several times during your life.
It is also important to realise beliefs are not values.
Values are more fundamental statements about what is important for you and often
underpin your beliefs. You can find out more about values in my article “Are
Your Personal Values Aligned With Your Path to Success?”
frequently support your beliefs, although you can also hold beliefs that
conflict with our values. Getting beliefs and values lined up is important if
you want to be successful.
While you have maybe a few tens of values, you certainly
have thousands of beliefs about every subject under the sun.
Beliefs are like a lens through which we look at the world.
Like a lens they fundamentally distort, reshape and change the importance of the
information that we take in through our senses creating the view that we really
have of the world.
Beliefs have a strong effect on your behaviour, if you
believe you should do something or think something then you usually end up doing
or thinking it!
Beliefs strongly influence both what we do and what we
learn from our environment - it is difficult for you to learn anything or do
anything that you believe is going to be unpleasant or bad for you.
Beliefs not only shape our view of the world but they also
control the way that we react, for example if you believe that someone does not
like you, you are not going to react to them in same friendly way that you would
to one of your friends.
Of course it may be that your belief is completely
mistaken, that person may actually like you. However because you have decided
that they don’t like you, you continue to react to them as if they were
hostile and little by little their opinion of you becomes more negative.
If only you had started with a more positive belief…
Another example is the well known medical “placebo
effect” in which something as simple as water administered in a way that
causes you to believe that it is the drug that is going to cure you can in fact
be as effective as the real drug.
==>Beliefs can have a shockingly powerful grip on your
We’ve seen that beliefs can shape our world by affecting
the way we perceive it and by affecting the way that we react to it. We have
also seen how powerful they can be. This can make them a fantastic tool for you
or a mortal enemy.
Positive beliefs that support your goals and values
will produce very positive results for you. However, through no fault of
your own, you have almost certainly acquired some limiting beliefs during your
Limiting beliefs often begin with you saying to yourself
“I can’t…”. They may even have been true, or are still true at some time
in your life. The danger is that you are likely to automatically apply these
beliefs to the rest of your life – jeopardising your future and your success.
For example it may be true that you don’t know how to do
something today, but so often, the way that this is expressed is as “I can’t
do…”. If you say that often enough it becomes a belief and as you’ve seen,
this belief becomes the truth.
Even worse are limiting beliefs that are not based on the
truth but on some belief that has been instilled into by your parents, your
friends, your society… If you believe that you’re destined to be poor or
that you’re not capable of making money, well the outcome is inevitable.
Think very carefully about your beliefs, for the next seven
days, watch yourself as you interact with people. Look for those “I
can’t…” statements. Identify them, write them down, ask yourself just how
much harm are they doing you. Do you really want to let them kill your chance of
Every time you find yourself making one of those “I
can’t…” statements, turn it into a “How can I…” statement – “I
can’t make more money” becomes “How can I make more money”. Can you feel
the difference? If you do this consistently you’d better believe that you will
find a difference in your life!
Again, it's my birthday and you get a gift.
Click here to get an absolutely free, no solicitation, no requests. Just enjoy.