Success isn't about money, it's about freedom; freedom from the rat race. It's also about control, more so, taking control; control of your own destiny and not turning it over to someone else. Success is about legacy; creating a legacy that you can pass on.

Success Starts Here
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Get Your Client's Website Out of the Witness Protection Program
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
The First Step Is Market Research
Finding Hungry Local Advertising Buyers
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Beat the Big Guns with a Blog Post!
Test Your Niches for Total Domination
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
"Drill Down" to Big Profits
Find the Niches Where There is No Competition
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Time to Promote
Effective Ways to Sell / Promote Your Home Business!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Home based case study
Home Business Success Stories
Saturday, April 9, 2016
The How...
How to Start a Home Business
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Why Home Business: The Untold Benefits
More people are jumping on the home business bandwagon in recent years. What are the benefits of doing home business besides being convenient and cost saving?
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Success- What is it?
Success for the business owner is defined as the achievement of wealth and fame.
However, for many, this definition of success remains an
unreachable dream, but there is a formula that can allow virtually anyone who
desires it bad enough to reach their goals and turn those dreams into reality.
First step is to know your products and/or services before you even start
to promote them. You
must learn everything about that which you are promoting. Know the benefits
inside and out, backwards and forwards.
If you are trying to sell something
you know very little about, your potential customer will see you as a modern day
snake oil salesmen. Your reputation, credibility and value to the customer will
be on the line.
In promoting something just for the sake of catching an extra buck may get you
some customers, but not any long-term customers or good word of mouth.
The second step is to set goals. Look at success as a roadmap and goal
setting as laying out a coarse to get you from where you are to where you want
to be. Without effective goal setting you wander around, hoping that you are
heading in the right direction. Until you have actually sat down and committed
your goals to paper, you are doing nothing more than daydreaming. I have heard
from quite a few of my mentors that a goal is a dream with a deadline.
Remember the formula: Conceiving + Believing = Achieving so write down a goal
today and break it down into achievable objectives with deadlines to each. Maybe
your goal is to grow your business or even start a new one. Write down what it
will take and then get to it.
Third step is, now that you have a goal on paper, make a plan for
reaching your goal. Being able to break down a goal into smaller objectives is
important in accomplishing the goal. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a
Your objectives must be detailed enough to help you reach
the goal, but flexible enough to allow for modifications as situations arise or
“life” happens. Many times, you will find that goals change, timelines need
adjustment, and other situations develop. Having detailed objectives allow you
to make the changes necessary without starting from scratch every time something
comes up.
The fourth step is to put your plan into action. Business, as in life, is based
on action, not just thought. Without taking action, your goal will remain a
dream, which doesn’t help your business.
Once you start moving in the direction of the goals and start to work on
achieving the objectives, you will quickly find that your objectives will meet
you half way and goals, often times, will be met before the written deadline.
Act immediately. Remember back to your physics classes to the first laws of
motion: an object in motion tends to remain in motion. No matter how minute the
objective is, start moving today.
Though these steps may seem simple, if you apply they will help you reach your
destination…the success that you want in your business,
Here's to your
success and be sure to keep an eye out for the next post where I discuss more on
the topic of starting a home-based business.